Car Insurance (Singapore) Premiums – The Insider’s Guide on How It’s Computed

Understanding your car insurance (Singapore) premiums can be quite a baffling thing. Numerous drivers have questioned about their car insurance premiums and yet have little understanding on how it all works. This post give readers an insight on how car insurance companies in Singapore price their premiums - a real insider's guide to the inner [...]

By | 2009-04-06T08:29:55+00:00 April 5th, 2009|Must-Know Information for Savvy Car Owners|33 Comments

What Has The Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore (MIB) Got To Do With You?

First, let’s look at why the MIB was set up. Its main purpose is to handle motor claims in cases where (1) the negligent driver cannot be traced/located, (2) the negligent driver possess an invalid motor car insurance policy, or (3) the negligent driver is not covered by any auto insurance at all. Under the [...]

By | 2016-12-14T02:55:52+00:00 December 23rd, 2008|Must-Know Information for Savvy Car Owners|0 Comments