Car Insurance (Singapore) Premiums – The Insider’s Guide on How It’s Computed

Understanding your car insurance (Singapore) premiums can be quite a baffling thing. Numerous drivers have questioned about their car insurance premiums and yet have little understanding on how it all works. This post give readers an insight on how car insurance companies in Singapore price their premiums - a real insider's guide to the inner [...]

By | 2009-04-06T08:29:55+00:00 April 5th, 2009|Must-Know Information for Savvy Car Owners|33 Comments

How Are You Charged For Your Car Insurance Premium?

Why is it important to know how you’re charged for your motor car insurance? Because by knowing how you’re charged, you can somewhat get the best premium not only by comparing quotes, but also by influencing the factors that determines your auto (car or motorcycle) insurance pricing. Insurers charge different premiums according to the risk [...]

By | 2016-12-14T02:55:53+00:00 December 19th, 2008|Must-Know Information for Savvy Car Owners|5 Comments